Family History Articles

War and family history: the long reach of PTSD

My grandfather helped win the war, became a US citizen, and had a large healthy family. But the granular details around these successes rather undo them. 

Family and Women’s History for Kids: a shocking first date!

Family history gives kids a foothold in history.  Kids see their role within a larger context, and learn the value of their actions and contributions. “Once upon a time there was a farm girl — the youngest of six kids.  She was shy and thought she was ugly.  She had some very glamorous older sisters and some very rowdy older brothers. They all lived in Aroostook County, Maine.

Louder than words: special needs kids & family history

A college bestie and I had babies the same year. We had always wanted to be groovy hippie mamas together!  You probably already know that I am NOT the chill earth mother I had imagined. When my kid came 16 weeks early, I had already shifted into overdrive, with a...

Preemie on stage: Amanda Gorman

Like so many who heard her, I was blown away by Amanda Gorman. And the next morning she. was. everywhere. And I'm thrilled for her--and us!  In my own kid-related corners of the interwebs, I read “Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate, has speech and auditory processing...

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